Our Asset

Petrodos Atlantic Energy Limited, as a wholesome entity, is currently working towards harnessing value from some specific high yield matured assets within the Niger Delta through strategic partnerships with the state-owned energy firm and service companies. In addition, Petrodos Atlantic Energy is fully positioned to take on new acquisition opportunities within and outside Nigeria.

The company is also built on varied stakeholders’ interests in the Energy space. Our collective ambition to register our presence in the upstream oil and gas sector is fully reflected in the shareholding distribution in PPL 213.

PPL 213

PPL 213 is a green field asset awarded to Kalm Marine during the 2020 Marginal Field Bid Round and located within the Warri section of the Niger Delta. Following payment of the Signature Bonus and further derisking of the asset by the Petrodos leadership, the JV entities are poised to begin well intervention works on the existing two (2) suspended wells with the aim of realizing 5,000bopd.

Srategic Alliances

Petrodos Atlantic Energy is close to firming up partnership with viable, competent, and capable companies in energy services, including crude and LNG offtake.

Our access to vast opportunities within the industry have made us the preferred value unbundler in the Energy sector. For discussions on industry opportunities, please contact us